
Jean-Fran­çois Mayer was born in Fri­bourg, Swit­zer­land, in 1957. He recei­ved both his mas­ter’s degree (1979) and his doc­to­rate in his­to­ry (1984) from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lyon. In 1985–1986, he wor­ked with Swiss Radio Inter­na­tio­nal. From 1987 to 1990, he was in charge of a research pro­ject atta­ched to a pro­gramme on « Cultu­ral Plu­ra­lism and Natio­nal Iden­ti­ty » of the Swiss Natio­nal Science Foun­da­tion.

Bet­ween 1991 to 1998, Jean-Fran­çois Mayer wor­ked as an ana­lyst in stra­te­gic and inter­na­tio­nal affairs for the Swiss Fede­ral Govern­ment, also ser­ving as the secre­ta­ry of the govern­ment’s Situa­tion Confe­rence.

Jean-Fran­çois Mayer retur­ned to the field of aca­de­mic research in the late 1990s. He taught at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Fri­bourg as a lec­tu­rer in reli­gious stu­dies from 1999 to 2007. He is fre­quent­ly invi­ted to lec­ture at forei­gn uni­ver­si­ties.

In 2007, Jean-Fran­çois Mayer foun­ded the Reli­gio­scope Ins­ti­tute. He is the foun­der and chief edi­tor of Reli­gio­scope, an inde­pendent, bilin­gual web­site offe­ring news and ana­lyses on the role and place of reli­gion in our world. He is asso­ciate edi­tor of Reli­gion Watch, a New York based news­let­ter moni­to­ring trends in contem­po­ra­ry reli­gion, which used to be publi­shed by Reli­gio­scope Ins­ti­tute from Janua­ry 2008 until June 2013.

In addi­tion, Jean-Fran­çois Mayer wor­ked from 2006 to 2010 as a scien­ti­fic advi­sor to a new pro­ject, « Reli­gion and Poli­tics », cur­rent­ly hos­ted by the Centre on Conflict, Deve­lop­ment and Pea­ce­buil­ding (CCDP), at the Gra­duate Ins­ti­tute of Inter­na­tio­nal and Deve­lop­ment Stu­dies (Gene­va).

Jean-Fran­çois Mayer also pro­vides ser­vices as a consul­tant. His firm, JFM Recherches et Ana­lyses, was foun­ded in August 1999.

He is the author of over ten books (in six lan­guages) and nume­rous articles, pri­ma­ri­ly dea­ling with reli­gious deve­lop­ments in the contem­po­ra­ry world. A full list of his publi­ca­tions can be found on this web­site.